Dayse Estevam

Change Management Product Owner

"Change Management is often called the soft side of change — what many don’t realize is that people are the turning point to make change successful."

Interview with Aaron Saint John
9 February 2023


In the run-up to Intranet Reloaded Berlin 2023, we asked Dayse Estevam (Change Management Product Owner, Nestlé) a few burning questions about her upcoming presentation.

we.CONECT: The pop in your job: you work as Change Management Product Owner at Nestlé — which of your tasks and responsibilities would you highlight as particularly exciting?

Dayse: As a Change Management Product Owner at Nestle Global IT, I have the opportunity to learn and collaborate with colleagues around the globe. Every project I’m involved is a new chance to learn about the different business Nestle has — and more importantly, I learn more about our people. While working in IT might look away from the shelves, we actually support colleagues everywhere to work smarter and more efficiently through edging technology, helping them to focus on what’s important on their daily work.

we.CONECT: What is most rewarding about your role and why are you passionate about your job?

Dayse: Change is a constant, and yet, it can be uncomfortable for many people. My passion in change management is […]

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