

3 | Engagement Café

Tuesday, July 01

11:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Live in Berlin

Less Details

  • Do we need social at all?
  • How to understand what attracts diverse groups of employees onto social intranets, and what makes them respond?
  • How to get engagement from senior management?
  • What are your best practices with social intranets in 2024 and 2025?
  • How can employees develop successful internal communities?
  • How to understand how diverse employee groups actually use the tool?
  • How to measure social engagement?


Kathrin Bernhard

Senior Expert Internal Communication, Social Intranet and Digital Tools, METRO AG

Project management pilot phase M365 Copilot
Project management Global Social Intranet (initial conception and implementation, relaunch in 2022 on M365 (SharePoint, Viva Engage, Teams)
General project management
Management of agencies
Management of the internal IT service provider
Conception and implementation of internal communication measures
Editorial work



METRO is a leading international food wholesaler which specialises in serving the needs of hotels, restaurants, and caterers (HoReCa) as well as independent merchants (Traders). Around the world, METRO has more than 15 million customers who benefit from the wholesale company’s unique multichannel mix: customers can purchase their goods in one of the large stores in their area as well as by delivery (Food Service Distribution, FSD) – all digitally supported and connected. In parallel, METRO MARKETS is being developed as an international online marketplace for the needs of professional customers which has been growing and expanding continuously since 2019. Acting sustainably is one of the company principles of METRO which has been listed in various sustainability indices and rankings, including MSCI, Sustainalytics and CDP. METRO operates in more than 30 countries and employs over 89,000 people worldwide. In financial year 2022/23, METRO generated sales of €30.6 billion. More information can be found at, our online magazine.
