As a Futuring Architect at ING, I'm focussing on understanding and advocating the phenomena of ecosystem innovation and platform organisation. My interests centre deeply around the transformational changes that the digitisation of communication has brought about.
My main focus lies on establishing a toolbox for the citizen designer of the creator economy, available for use globally all across ING by building on top of existing toolkits, with all aspects needed for Ecosystem Innovation practice at ING. To accomplish this mission, I share, present and assist on the Ecosystem Innovation activities at specific engagements globally across ING, and beyond. This is supported by a workshop format, presentation decks and instructional material.
My stretch ambition is to be seen as the front runner of a new type of architecture (Ecosystem Architecture), which starts with uncovering trends and forces, and seeing how these enable technological and organizational innovation.
1 | Icebreaker roundtable
Sunday, June 29
08:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Live in Berlin
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Case Study
Tuesday, July 01
04:30 pm - 04:55 pm
Live in Berlin
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New technologies develop at an uncomparable speed, fast as never before. And every time a new groundbreaking technology appears, we tend to be caught off guard, which causes a lot of angst. But what if we approach it differently?
In this presentation you will learn: