
Harald Holz

Managing Director, nteam GmbH

After his graduation as a graduate engineer for electrical engineering and computer science, Harald Holz learned the IT from sratch and has been started as a trainer for Novell, UNIX, Windows NT 3.1, exchange 4.0 and later SharePoint 2001. In 1997, he founded the nteam GmbH and practised in the field of Microsoft technologies ever since the Exchange 4.0 and Windows NT 3.1. Harald Holz has been an acknowledged and sought-after expert for information worker and unified communications issus.


nteam GmbH

The nteam GmbH, founded in Berlin in 1997, is your specialist for planning, realisation and support of high quality solutions regarding the companies collaboration and communication. We are a close Microsoft Partner within 20 years of experience. Our solutions as well as the knowledge of our consultants are based on the newest standard of technology. Focussing on collaboration, communication and application, the nteam Gmbh is characterized by a professional strategic view and know-how, as well as by commitment and trustiness. Our expertise in the field of collaboration is the topic efficiency in cooperation, choosing the right selection of relevant information and documents, functionalities for effectivness and efficieny and secured filing. Core competence is the SharePoint Server with his functions „search, filing, workflows and business intelligence“.