Head of Communications, Head of Social Media, Jyske Bank. Editor-in-Chief, Jyske Bank TV.
MA Literature, Film & Media.
Studies in Journalism, Communication, Creative Storytelling, Leadership, Social Media, New Media.
Keynote speaker in Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Holland, Belgium and USA - about "Internal and External Communication", "New Media", "Content Marketing" and "Game Change".
Event Maker. Idea, storyboard, scenography, production planning for large scale shows and presentations within product launches, strategy implementation and company culture events.
Copywriter, brandjournalist and editor of brand magazines in Danish, German and English. Worked with Content Marketing since 1999.
Transformed in 2008 Jyske Banks Communication Department into a Brand Newsroom and created the award-winning online tv-station and internal/external communication platform: Jyske Bank TV.