Michael Greth is an avid technology enthusiast with a long-term commitment to the tech community. He currently works as a freelance consultant, speaker and trainer, specializing in Microsoft Copilot and AI, enterprise video with Microsoft Stream, Microsoft 365, of cause SharePoint and the Future of Work. He is an active video and live event producer for many years with several video formats on Youtube and other channels. As a podcast pioneer he started his first sharepointpodcast.de in 2005 and now hosts the yourcopilot.de podcast. He has been involved in community work for many years and operated the largest German-language user forum for SharePoint and Office365 users at sharepointcommunity.de. Acknowledged for his expertise and contributions, Michael has been honored with the Microsoft MVP award for Office Apps & Services for 25 years.
Attended we.CONECT events
IntraNet Releoaded Berlin 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2022 2023
Security Of Things Berlin 2016