
Michael Wegscheider

Global Portal Manager Allianz Connect, Allianz SE

I am a communications professional focusing on internal communications both from a content as well as from a technology perspective. I have been involved in developing and managing intranets since the beginning of this century, taking the term intranet rather as a metaphor for connecting people and information in a company. It still excites me to be part of this journey which started with a collection of hand-scripted HTML pages, evolved with CMS, blogs, wikis and ESN methods to finally expand into a multifaceted digital workplace environment, only to probably disappear very soon as a defined structure with the emergence of GenAI. I have just successfully completed the migration of our social intranet Allianz Connect into the strategic global digital workplace of Allianz and I am looking forward to telling you this story together with my colleague Regina Ohnsorge on Intranet Reloaded 2024.


Allianz SE

The Allianz Group is one of the leading integrated financial services providers worldwide. Here you find the company profile, the Allianz fact sheet and further information on business operations.