I help businesses unlock the true power of quality internal communications and digital collaboration.
I'll show you how to develop effective communication and world class collaboration through empowering individuals with data, nurturing the best possible culture for your business.
With IDEO Design Thinking and Prosci ADKAR Change Management certifications, and what a colleague once described as "relentless optimism", I combine pragmatism and practical nous with a healthy dose of creativity and imagination. A recipe for expanding minds if ever I heard one!
I get my kicks out of:
- Helping individuals and teams transform their ways of working
- Guiding leaders on how to adopt and get the best out of a truly culture-first approach grounded in open, authentic communication
- Leading the adoption of an Employee Experience mindset within organisations, teams and individuals
- Consulting on complex problems using human-centred and design-led techniques
- Coaching people through their journey to increased authenticity, adaptability and resilience
- Helping people work on the stuff that makes a real difference and have some FUN while they're doing it!