
Nikita Skitsko

Head of Digital Workplace, Eesti Energia AS

Creating the best digital workplace @ Enefit


Case Study

Monday, June 30

02:20 pm - 02:45 pm

Live in Berlin

Less Details

We have built our chatbot, EnerfitGPT with Azure/OpenAI a while ago. However, after having done extensive research, we realized that some of the content in out platform is not as well covered or outdated. This led us to rethink our content strategy when it comes to governance and ownership. We have made a decision that content ownership belongs to the respective business units, as well as made rules that define when content expires – and what needs to be done so it doesn’t. But this is just the beginning of a larger redesign strategy.

In this presentation you will learn:

  • How to audit content using surveys and statistics from the chatbot?
  • How to save employees’ time?
  • How to redesign the intranet from organization-focussed to user-focussed and make it more targeted and personalized?


Eesti Energia AS

We are an international energy company owned by the Estonian state. We operate in the markets for electricity and gas sales in the Baltic States, Finland and Poland, as well as on the international market for liquid fuels. We create energy solutions from the production of electricity, heat and fuels to innovative sales, client services and energy related additional services. Our ambition is to offer our clients useful and convenient energy solutions and to produce energy ourselves, in an increasingly environment conserving way, as thus we will make our contribution into making the world cleaner.